
Concussion Management

Concussions can steal the activities you love the most. From sports to simple daily tasks, we understand how frustrating concussions can be. Our concussion management therapy programs ensures you heal with precision and speed.

What to Expect

Your treatment sessions will focus on vestibular rehabilitation. This treatment includes reducing dizziness, ocular reflex training and tracking, balance and proprioception training, manual therapeutic techniques, cranial nerve assessment, change of position challenges, hand-eye coordination, body mechanics and posture, neck stabilization activities, sport/occupational specific training, and dual tasking with cognitive challenges. We want you to enjoy the activities you love again.

Who Would Benefit

Athletes post concussion with three more the following symptoms:

Headache, Dizziness

Fatigue, Irritability


Concentration difficulty

Memory difficulty



Warm and welcoming environment. I felt like they were really listening to me and developed a specific treatment plan to meet my needs. Definitely recommend!

Paula T.

Concussion Care Program

Our concussion care program is designed for athletes who have sustained a concussion and are ready to return to sport, have completed formal physical therapy, or are symptom-free at rest. We use a graduated return to sport philosophy that is used from professional sports to high school sports. This allows for the athlete to increase activity safely overtime under the supervision and direction of a medical sports professional.


Minimum of two sessions:

  • Session one: evaluation to see where you are symptomatically and begin activity at the appropriate fitness/activity level. Follow-up evaluation after activity to check for an increase in symptoms.
  • Session two: evaluation and increase in activity to the next level of fitness/activity.

If additional sessions are needed it will be discussed with the patient, parent, or guardian.

  • Athlete may return to some practice activities under the trusted guidelines outlined to them with follow-up via phone or email with the physical therapist We will recommend what level of practice to do each day and activities to avoid until full clearance.
  • We will communicate with parents and coaches regarding when is best to return to practice.
  • We will communicate with your physician regarding what phase the athlete is at and assist in communication for return to sport if under MHSAA return to sport guidelines.


  • Any athlete that has had a concussion and is preparing to return to sport.
  • Any athlete who is unsure if they have had a recent concussion, is symptom-free, and would like advice about safely returning to their sport.

How Can We Help Treat Your Pain?