Make Time to Give Back

Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy Gives back through community service

Service and volunteering have always been important to me, and I am lucky to work at a company whose values align with mine! Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy makes giving back to others a priority, year after year, as it is part of our mission.

At Hulst Jepsen Physical therapy, our mission is to glorify God by improving the physical health and wellbeing of our community, and we do that each day by adhering to our 12 values, also known as our “Hulst Jepsen Dozen.”

The Hulst Jepsen Dozen:

  1. 1) Live God-Centered
  2. 2) Love People & Build Relationships
  3. 3) Create Remarkable Experiences Through Exceptional Service
  4. 4) Promote Growth & Embrace Change
  5. 5) Be Generous
  6. 6) Pursue Excellence
  7. 7) Be Efficient
  8. 8) Act with Honesty and Integrity
  9. 9) Stay Humble
  10. 10) Utilize Strengths & Passions
  11. 11) Encourage Autonomy, Innovation & Creativity
  12. 12) Be Transparent

I believe that volunteering can fulfill many of the values in our Hulst Jepsen Dozen. Acts of service help us to live God-centered and to love people and build relationships. They teach us to be generous with our time and resources and to stay humble while utilizing our strengths and passions to help others.

I also believe that service encourages autonomy, innovation, and creativity. In my opinion, the values in our Hulst Jepsen Dozen are values that everyone should aim to achieve, in order to do good for others.

That being said, it may be difficult to consider donating your time to someone or something else when we all spend our lives running around, wishing for more hours in the day, but I would like you to consider some of the following additional benefits of volunteering in order to make a difference in your life and those around you.

1. You are helping someone.

It is as simple as that, which is also why I put this as the very first benefit of volunteering. This should always be the number one reason why you choose to volunteer; someone else needs your help and you are able and willing to give it. We spend most of our days doing things to help ourselves, and although many people have the great opportunity of helping others in their careers (I love being a physical therapist), we should use our hands, our minds, or whatever talents we have been given to serve others, and do that without the incentive of getting a paycheck.

2. You get to meet new people.

Networking is always important and if you’ve ever been on the hunt for a job or needed to find someone that understands real estate, you know that getting to know people outside of your inner circle can be useful. You may even find a new friend! I have met so many wonderful people while volunteering and I now have friends across the country and across the world.

3. You get outside your comfort zone.

I am a strong believer in that you will not grow or develop if you don’t feel uncomfortable at some point. I learned this lesson the best when I was in graduate school. I was required to complete 4 different clinical experiences in which I had to be a student physical therapist under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. I hated the feeling of not knowing what to say to my clinical instructor when they put me on the spot or when a patient asked me a difficult question, but I learned so much from being put in those situations. If no one had ever asked me the difficult questions, it is likely I wouldn’t have ever looked for the answer or had a discussion with someone about the topic in question.

4. You can try new things.

We spend a lot of time going to the same places, spending time with the same people, and doing the same things, but when you volunteer, you may get the opportunity to try something new or develop a skill you never knew you had. Maybe you will find that you really like building houses, or that you would like to try running a 5k since all of the people doing it look like they love it! While volunteering you may get the opportunity to travel to new places, which gives even more opportunity to try new things. I went on a medical mission trip to Costa Rica in 2011 and had the opportunity to go zip lining at the end of our time there.

Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy Gives Back

Muhammad Ali once said “service to others is the rent your pay for your room here on Earth.” So if you are so led, get out and pay your rent for your room here! If you would like to volunteer, but don’t know where to start, take a look at our list of some local community partners of HJPT.

· Alzheimer’s Research Foundation

· Breast Cancer Research Foundation

· Clara Cookies

· D.A. Blodgett St. John’s 2019 Backpack and School Supply Drive

· Degage Ministries

· Kids Food Basket

· LuvNPupz

· Mel Trotter

· St. John’s Home

Make sure to stay up to date with our community engagement and events through our Events Page and by following along with us on Facebook and Instagram.

Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy Gives Back with Clara Cookies

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the Author

Courtney Garlanger

