How Physical Therapy Could Help Your Kids Reach Their Full Potential

Do you have a kid who isn’t moving right? Do you feel like your child is behind in his or her gross motor skills? Does your infant hold his or her head tilted or turned to one side? Does your child have a problem keeping up with his or her peers in gym class or on the playground? Do you have that strong parental instinct that something isn’t right or that you need to do something to help your child reach his or her milestones? Do you wonder if there is something you can do to make your child’s life easier?

Many problems that young children have could be addressed with physical therapy. There are many issues that children could face that ultimately make it challenging for them to keep up with other children their age including movement patterns, balance issues, safety concerns, and many other deficits. Whether the problem is sitting up, rolling over, or something more advanced like jumping and running, physical therapy could be a solution to helping your child grow and develop properly. There are many different medical diagnoses that are commonly treated by physical therapists. These would include but are by no means limited to cerebral palsy, gross motor delay, torticollis, spina bifida, toe walking, orthopedic injuries, or orthopedic and neurological surgeries.

Physical therapy with pediatrics can be so much fun. It is a perfect combination of getting functional movements through play by using specific cues to foster strength and development with proper mechanics. I use toys, games, and crafts to facilitate a fun environment so therapy does not feel like work but rather an avenue for improved skill development. Pediatric therapy is not the typical “physical therapy” that relies on timers or certain number of repetitions but rather uses laughter, imagination, and play to work towards goals of the patient and their family.

Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy is committed getting your kiddos moving and functioning in their home and school environment through fostering a safe, effective place that can successfully work with you and your child to meet their needs. Education to parents and caregivers of the upmost importance for carryover to foster the best results. We are effectively able to treat newborns, infants, toddlers, children of all ages. I have been working with kids for almost eight years and absolutely love making a positive difference in the lives of kids and their families. Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy is the perfect place to start making that change for your family. If you are ready to learn more about how physical therapy can help your child or schedule an appointment call our Caledonia clinic today!

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the Author

Kristina Simons

