3D Captured Gait Analysis

Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy utilizes the cutting-edge Helix 3D system from RunDNA with precise optical marker tracking technology and industry-leading 3D software. Our running experts use this real-time data to help athletes run smarter, stronger, and faster!

Now available! Call to get started 616.827.3010
Schedule at our Gaines Township, Bryon Center, or Hudsonville location.

Personalized running solutions from local physical therapists who are certified experts in gait analysis.

Helix 3D – The gold standard:

RunDNA’s powerful 3D software and state-of-the-art sensor system go beyond 2D to provide our certified physical therapists with accurate and reliable data. The Helix 3D marker-based system outputs high-speed tracking with 1mm error with real-time metrics that helps our certified gait analysts assess with precision.


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the Author

Brett Cain, DPT, Cert MDT